Thursday, April 1, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

My bookclub choice for this month is the great read "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. The main reasons I chose this book are 1. it's a great book and 2. I already read it and seeing how I'm trying to channel some calm in the storm of life I figured this is one thing to check off my ever expanding To-do list(s).

A few days after the book was announced to the club I get a text from one of my best friends stating how much she loves the book and that she wants to live in Italy now! I failed to ask her what exactly is drawing her there-is it the description of the food, the people, the inner-peace the author gained, what.

As fate would have it my brother wrote a post titled "Enjoy Life" and this excerpt really hit home
Life's made up of a lot of smaller moments. Learn to enjoy those moments. It's the old adage, "stop and smell the roses". Take time to enjoy the journey. Enjoy the ones on the journey with you-your spouse/significant other, children, parents, etc.
My journey of us becoming Italian is moving right along at a pace that is allowing me the opportunity to do exactly what my brother stated-enjoy the ones on the journey with me.

So why the endpoint Italy?
For a simpler life where my only to-do and goal is to stop and smell the roses...or in this case the oregano.

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